Premium Virtual Learning Lab

A Virtual Learning Lab (VLL) is a structured learning program consisting of online course materials, exercises, virtual lectures and group discussions that allow participants to gain a deep understanding of a specific field over a period of several months. The material is offered in multiple blocks of two to four weeks allowing flexibility on the part of participants.

A Premium VLL is composed of:

  1. ?Online training material?for self study. This includes videos, texts, quizzes and assignments. The material is offered in blocks with 2 – 4 hours to be spent (anytime and self paced) over a period of two to three weeks.
  2. Check In sessions: three live video conferences of 1 hour in which some additional clarifications are provided and questions are answered about the online material. These sessions are optional.
  3. Virtual Expert Lectures: five live video conferences with presentations (also 1 hour) by seasoned experts from industry providing additional perspectives and discussing practical and organizational matters.

The total amount of time to be spent over a period of 3 months by a participant is about 20 hours, all inclusive.

We currently offer two Premium VLLs:

Virtual Workshop

A Virtual Workshop is a structured learning program consisting of online course materials, exercises and virtual lectures but with the emphasis on group work. Participants work together (using conferencing and mail, but in person if possible) on a larger task and in this way learn by doing and from each other. This is done in multiple blocks of two to four weeks allowing flexibility on the part of participants.

We offer one virtual workshop:

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